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2 threads covering less than 1% of profiled time ( = Max (Thread Active Time)) were discarded, cumulating 0.04 seconds CPU time. You can adjust the threshold below which a thread will be discarded with the thread-filter-threshold option.
Total Time (s) 635.69
Max (Thread Active Time) (s) 632.41
Average Active Time (s) 632.12
Activity Ratio (%) 99.4
Average number of active threads 3.978
Affinity Stability (%) 99.9
Time in analyzed loops (%) 85.2
Time in analyzed innermost loops (%) 54.9
Time in user code (%) 82.7
Compilation Options Score (%) 100
Array Access Efficiency (%) 80.9
Potential Speedups
Perfect Flow Complexity 1.00
Perfect OpenMP + MPI + Pthread 1.01
Perfect OpenMP + MPI + Pthread + Perfect Load Distribution 1.04
No Scalar Integer Potential Speedup 1.28
Nb Loops to get 80% 29
FP Vectorised Potential Speedup 1.22
Nb Loops to get 80% 39
Fully Vectorised Potential Speedup 2.96
Nb Loops to get 80% 41
FP Arithmetic Only Potential Speedup 1.92
Nb Loops to get 80% 41
Source Object Issue
○ wale.f90
○ wall_adiab2.f90
○ scatter_o_add.f90
○ mass_product.f90
○ euler_timestep.f90
○ gather.f90
○ mod_adj_graph.f90
○ mod_hashtable.f90
○ heatflux_nv2.f90
○ mod_qsort.f90
○ temperature.f90
○ group_faces.f90
○ avis_lp.f90
○ FE_add_dw.f90
○ specflux_invc.f90
○ compute_time_step.f90
○ mod_rcm.f90
○ scatter_add.f90
○ specflux_visc_c_nv.f90
○ artificial_viscosity.f90
○ gather_o_cpy.f90
○ prebound.f90
○ ave.f90
○ scale.f90
○ boxe_2delta.f90
○ ngrad.f90
○ correct_central_bnd_generic.f90
○ impl_scheme.f90
○ get_uvwT.f90
○ mod_copy.f90
○ timestep.f90
○ square.f90
○ compute_diffus_max.f90
○ cons_tens.f90
○ compute_residuals.f90
○ efcy_dyn.f90
○ bndflux_les2.f90
○ fill_zero.f90
○ nsflux_les.f90
○ Colin_AV.f90
○ ns_timestep.f90
○ wall_impermeable2.f90
○ avis_lp_rre.f90
○ mod_timers.f90
○ specsource_cell.f90
○ add_source.f90
○ scheme_expl_TTGC.f90
○ wtowp.f90
○ zero_gradprim.f90
○ laxwe.f90
○ update_rho.f90
○ div.f90
○ corbound.f90
○ update.f90
○ specsource_ener.f90
○ central_nv_bnd_generic.f90
○ scatter_grad.f90
○ central.f90
○ get_bcells.f90
○ scatter_unrolled.f90
○ mod_pmesh_transfer.f90
○ add.f90
○ rrate_cell.f90
○ get_Y.f90
○ compute_FE_implicit_residual.f90
○ wale_cell.f90
○ mod_pmesh_scatter_add.f90
○ grad_4obj.f90
○ compute_gradients.f90
○ mod_bsearch.f90
○ thermo_variables.f90
○ dlongc.f90
○ gather_o_unrolled.f90
○ central_nv.f90
○ scheme.f90
○ savis_Colin_NS.f90
○ calc_visc_eff.f90
○ calc_diffus.f90
○ scatter_cpy.f90
○ scatter_o_unrolled.f90
○ stress_nv2.f90
○ eflux.f90
○ scatter_o_sub.f90
○ rot_2delta.f90
○ scale_vect_c.f90
○ gradqen.f90
○ velocity_group.f90
○ cons_tens_cell.f90
○ grad.f90
○ savis_Colin_spec.f90
Application /home/exter/camus/avbp-dev/HOST/KRAKEN/BIN/AVBP_V7_dev.KRAKEN
Timestamp 2025-01-15 16:41:43
Universal Timestamp 1736955703
Number of processes observed 4
Number of threads observed 4
Experiment Type MPI; OpenMP;
Machine node098
Model Name Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30GHz
Architecture x86_64
Micro Architecture SKYLAKE
Cache Size 25344 KB
Number of Cores 18
OS Version Linux 4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri May 24 13:05:10 UTC 2024
Architecture used during static analysis x86_64
Micro Architecture used during static analysis SKYLAKE
Frequency Driver intel_cpufreq
Frequency Governor performance
Huge Pages always
Hyperthreading off
Number of sockets 2
Number of cores per socket 18
Compilation Options AVBP_V7_dev.KRAKEN : Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.10.0 Build 20230609_000000 -I/softs/local_intel/phdf5/1.8.20/include -I/softs/local_intel/parmetis/403_64/include -I/softs/local_intel/ptscotch/6.0.5a/include -I. -I../SOURCES/GENERIC/ -IAMR_INTERFACE/ -IBNDY/ -ICFD/ -ICHEM/ -ICHEM/ANALYTIC/ -ICHEM/ANALYTIC/LIB/ -ICHEM/HYB/ -ICHEM/NOX/ -ICHEM/SOOT_ANALYTIC/ -ICOMMON/ -ICOUPLING/ -IGENERIC/ -IIO/ -ILAGRANGE/ -ILAGRANGE/SOOT_EL/ -ILES/ -IMAIN/ -IMAIN/COMPUTE/ -IMAIN/SLAVE/ -INUMERICS/ -IPARSER/ -IPLASMA/ -IPLASMA/CHEMISTRY/ -IPLASMA/CHEMISTRY/CUSTOM_KINETICS_LIB/ -IPLASMA/DRIFTDIFFUSION/ -IPLASMA/DRIFTDIFFUSION/SCHEMES/ -IPLASMA/ELECTROMAG/ -IPLASMA/EULER/ -IPLASMA/FREEZE/ -IPLASMA/PHOTO/ -IPLASMA/THERMO/ -IPMESH/generic/ -IPMESH/interf_avbp/ -IPMESH/interp_tree_search/ -IPMESH/pmeshlib/ -IPMESH/pproc/ -ISMOOTH/ -ITTC/ -ITTC/LES/ -I/softs/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.10.0//include -I/softs/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.10.0/include -g -O3 -fpp -traceback -fno-alias -ip -assume byterecl -convert big_endian -align -march=core-avx2 -fma -axCORE-AVX2 -DHAS_PMETIS -DPARMETIS4 -DMETIS5 -DHAS_PTSCOTCH -c -o GENERIC/gather_o_cpy.o
Run Command <executable>
MPI Command mpirun -np 4
Number Processes 1
Number Nodes 1
Filter Not Used
Profile Start Not Used