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Global Metrics

Total Time (s)442.95454.85
Profiled Time (s)402.13425.60
Time in analyzed loops (%)90.989.7
Time in analyzed innermost loops (%)88.187.5
Time in user code (%)63.866.5
Compilation Options Score (%)0100
Array Access Efficiency (%)95.290.2
Potential Speedups
Perfect Flow Complexity1.081.09
Perfect OpenMP + MPI + Pthread1.251.23
Perfect OpenMP + MPI + Pthread + Perfect Load Distribution1.481.45
No Scalar IntegerPotential Speedup1.091.13
Nb Loops to get 80%813
FP VectorisedPotential Speedup1.091.10
Nb Loops to get 80%34
Fully VectorisedPotential Speedup2.322.42
Nb Loops to get 80%1316
Only FP ArithmeticPotential Speedup1.932.03
Nb Loops to get 80%2230

Cumulated Speedup If No Scalar Integer

Cumulated Speedup If FP Vectorized

Cumulated Speedup If Fully Vectorized

Cumulated Speedup If Only FP Arithmetic

Loop Based Profiles

Innermost / Single Loops

Inbetween Loops

Outermost Loops

Cumulated Coverage With All Loops

Innermost Loop Based Profiles



Application Categorization



Compilation Options

Source ObjectIssue
-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)

Path Count Profiles



Low Iteration Count Profiles



Experiment Summaries

Experiment Name
Timestamp2024-10-02 14:02:572024-10-03 15:36:17
Experiment TypeMPI; OpenMP; same as r0
Machineskylakesame as r0
Architecturex86_64same as r0
Micro ArchitectureSKYLAKEsame as r0
Model NameIntel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8170 CPU @ 2.10GHzsame as r0
Cache Size36608 KBsame as r0
Number of Cores26same as r0
Maximal Frequency2.1 GHzsame as r0
OS VersionLinux 6.10.10-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 12 Sep 2024 17:21:02 +0000same as r0
Architecture used during static analysisx86_64same as r0
Micro Architecture used during static analysisSKYLAKEsame as r0
Compilation Options engine_linux64_intel_ifx_impi: N/A engine_linux64_intel_impi: Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.13.1 Build 20240703_000000 -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/../common_source/includes -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/../common_source/modules -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/share/includes -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/share/r8 -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/share/spe_inc -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/cbuild_engine_linux64_intel_impi/CMakeFiles/includes_engine_linux64_intel_impi -I/opt/intel/oneapi/2024.2/include/ -module CMakeFiles/modules_engine_linux64_intel_impi -axSSE3,COMMON-AVX512 -no-fma -O3 -fp-model precise -fimf-use-svml=true -qopenmp -DMYREAL8 -DWITHOUT_LINALG -ftz -extend-source -assume buffered_io -align array64byte -DMPI -DCPP_mach=CPP_p4linux964 -DCPP_rel=00 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -o CMakeFiles/engine_linux64_intel_impi.dir/source/assembly/asspar4.F.o
Number of processes observed2same as r0
Number of threads observed52same as r0
Frequency Driverintel_cpufreqsame as r0
Frequency Governorperformancesame as r0
Huge Pagesalwayssame as r0
Hyperthreadingoffsame as r0
Number of sockets2same as r0
Number of cores per socket26same as r0
MAQAO version2.
MAQAO build938b1fc786777b7ebd441f4b740d6db5fc517eea::20240905-14241151d03de2bbe849252478b40a36c4552d029fd941::20241001-172926
Commentssame as r0